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Immutable Rings Build Guide


  • 14hp Eurorack Resonator

  • Difficulty level: Beginner

  • Time: 1-2 hours

What you'll need

  • Immutable Rings DIY kit

  • Soldering Iron

  • Solder

  • Side cutters

Verify parts

  • Begin by pulling out all of the parts included in your Rings DIY kit and reference the bill of materials to ensure you're not missing anything.

  • The processor is pre-flashed with the latest/last firmware

Placing and soldering components

  • Begin by placing the 10-pin header on the backside of the PCB in the orientation shown below.

  • Start by soldering a single pin of each component and then checking alignment and orientation. If necessary apply heat to the joint you just soldered and adjust until the components are straight and flush.

  • Finish soldering the rest of the pins.

  • The rest of the components will be placed on the front of the board.

  • Place all ten jacks and Solder them in from the backside.

  • Slide the LED standoffs onto the legs of LED's.

  • Place LEDS so the flat edge of the LED lines up with the flat edge that is printed on the PCB for each LED.

  • Solder a single pin of each LED to the PCB board.

  • Apply a slight amount of pressure to the LED and heat the solder joint you just made, slide the LED until the holder is completely flush with the board and the LED is standing straight up. Repeat for each LED and solder the remaining pins.

  • Alignment can be confirmed by placing the front panel on the board and ensuring the LED's land in their holes and are all the same height.

  • Place the switches at the top of the board and solder them in from the back. The switches have no polarity, and only fit in 2 of 4 posible orientations.

  • Place the five tall trimmer potentiometers with the plastic shafts in the lower placeholders just above the jacks.

  • Place the other five metal potentiometers in the remaining spots on the board and solder all pots from the back of the board. Be sure to apply a generous amount of solder to the large metal tabs as they are used to mechanically secure the pot to the board.

  • Lastly secure the panel to the board with the nuts for the jacks and the potentiometers and place the knobs on the potentiometer shafts.

Congratulations! you are finished.

Note: Rings requires at least a Strum, V/Oct, or In signal to be patched in order to produce a tone!

Test and Calibration

  1. Disconnect all CV inputs.

  2. Connect the note CV output of a well-calibrated keyboard interface or MIDI-CV converter to the V/OCT input.

  3. Connect a patch cable to the FREQUENCY CV input. Leave the other end of the cable unplugged (this prevents the internal connection to +/- 1 semitone to be activated).

  4. Hold both the polyphony and resonator type buttons for two seconds. This is the "secret handshake" to enter the calibration procedure. The first LED blinks in orange.

  5. Play a C2 note, or send a 1V voltage from your CV source.

  6. Press the polyphony button. The second LED blinks in orange.

  7. Play a C4 note, or send a 3V voltage from your CV source.

  8. Press the polyphony button to complete the calibration. If the calibration is successful, the module returns to its normal state. Otherwise, the two LEDs will blink in RED for a couple of seconds.




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We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British

Columbia through the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation.

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